Warning Signs of Cancer -An Exhaustive List of Cancer Signs One Should Not Ignore

Warning Signs of Cancer

Warning Signs of Cancer -An Exhaustive List of Cancer Signs One Should Not Ignore According to NCBI, in 2020, precisely  1,392,179 cancer patients are recorded in India. The five highest cancer cases are of the lung, cervix, uteri, tongue, and mouth. Cancer is one of the deadliest and insidious diseases that cause death. However, it […]

What Are The Different Cancer Treatment Options?

Different Cancer Treatment in Pune

What Are The Different Cancer Treatment Options? Any form of surgery is performed mainly due to three reasons – Examine, remove and repair the damaged body part. A cancer surgery removes the tumour and nearby affected tissue during the operation. There can be many reasons to perform cancer surgery, such as: To diagnose cancer To […]

All You Need To Know About Esophageal Cancer

All you need to know about Esophageal cancer

All You Need To Know About Esophageal Cancer What Is The Esophageal Cancer? The esophagus is a tube that runs behind your windpipe, between the heart and the spine, made of muscles that connect the throat to the stomach. It transfers food or anything you eat directly to the stomach in a unidirectional way. Esophageal […]


Complete guide to skin cancer

A COMPLETE GUIDE TO SKIN CANCER Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. But, it is also one of the most curable cancers if detected at an early stage. Prevention and regular check-ups are the best ways to get rid of skin cancer. Melanocytes refer to the cells that produce your skin pigments, melanin. […]

Stomach Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Stomach cancer

Stomach Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Stomach cancer first grows in the mucus-producing cells in the inner lining of the stomach. If not diagnosed on time, these cells develop into a tumor (also known as gastric cancer). Knowing the symptoms, causes, and treatment options will help you and your doctor to diagnose it on an early […]

Why You Should Take Oral Cancer seriously!

Why You Should Take Oral Cancer seriously!

Why You Should Take Oral Cancer seriously! Oral Cancer and It’s Impact on Human Life Oral Cancer popularly known as Mouth Cancer is one of the biggest reason for deaths in India. It actually affects more than 5 to 8 lakh people at any point in time in the country. The annual incidence of Oral […]