Fibroadenoma treatment in Pune
Fibroadenomas are noncancerous and painless lumps that develop in female breasts. When touched, they feel solid, smooth, and rubbery as the lumps can move under the skin when pressed. Every woman can develop different sizes of such lumps that enlarge or shrink of their own. Also, they can occur in one or both breasts anywhere without any fixed indications.
Though they are benign, our breast surgeon in Pune advises monitoring its growth and spread to avoid future complications. They most commonly occur in young women between the ages of 15 and 35.

Types Of Fibroadenomas
Though the growth of these lumps is random and without systemic causes, they have been categorized into the following types:
● Complex Fibroadenomas: these are lumps with hyperplasia, which is a rapid overgrowth of cells
● Juvenile Fibroadenomas: these types of lumps mostly occur in girls and adolescents who are 10 to 18 years old. They grow very large and may become painful over time
● Giant Fibroadenomas: These lumps can grow as large as 2 inches. Hence, they can invade or press against the surrounding tissues and are advised to be removed.
● Phyllodes tumor: These are harmful lumps that appear like other fibroadenomas but can potentially turn cancerous. Fibroadenomas can be confused as phyllodes tumors as well. Hence, a thorough checking is required to make the right diagnosis.
Experts believe that fibroadenomas are typically causeless, but they may be associated with specific hormonal changes in a woman’s body.
Fibroadenomas most commonly seem to occur during puberty when the reproductive hormones grow rapidly. They seem to actively grow or change shape during pregnancy and disappear after menopause, which increases their link with hormones.
Another prominent incidence of fibroadenomas has been observed in women undergoing hormone therapies for various reasons.
● Palpation Test: if the lumps are visible on your breasts, the doctor will physically examine the lumps for their size, hardness, or other symptoms.
● Fine Needle Aspiration: Here, the doctor inserts a fine needle into the lump and tries to extract its contents. If the lump is a cyst, it secrets pus-like fluids, eliminating the suspicion of fibroadenomas.
● Diagnostic mammography:Mammography is essentially using X-rays to visually check for suspicious lumps or other growths in your breast tissues.
● Breast Ultrasound: If the breast tissues are too dense or the lump needs additional assessment, an ultrasound test is the best option. In fact, young women are directly suggested to have a breast ultrasound before undergoing fibroadenoma treatment in Pune or anywhere else.
● Core Needle Biopsy: An ultrasound-assisted biopsy may be performed if the doctor suspects potential cancerous growth in the lumps. Here, a small number of tissues from a lump are extracted using a needle and studied under a microscope.
In a significant number of cases, fibroadenomas shrink and disappear on their own. Even if the lumps remain for a long time, doctors initially suggest monitoring their changes and suggest treatment only if there are potential complications. Hence, before you start looking for fibroadenoma treatment in Pune, consult a breast surgeon to monitor the lumps and know if you really need surgery.
The only way to treat fibroadenomas is to surgically remove the lumps in the following two different ways:
Vacuum-Assisted Resection:
This is a minimally invasive procedure to remove small fibroadenomas. It is a scarless procedure, meaning it does not involve any incisions or scars that are usually left after other procedures.
Also known as Excisional Biopsy, this procedure involves the surgeon manually removing the breast lumps through a small incision. The lump tissues may be further examined for cancer.