Rhinoplasty – Preparation, Procedure and Recovery
The structure of your nose dramatically affects the appearance of your face. The nose is made of a nasal bone from top to the middle, and cartilages and connective tissues from the centre to the end. Overgrowth or undergrowth in any of these components results in a bulky or flattened nose structure distorting the looks of one’s face and often causing breathing problems.
Rhinoplasty is a technique of reshaping the nose to a shape that suits the individual’s face.
- The surgeon will initially take a series of tests asking you about your surgical history, previous nasal injuries, medications you take, etc.
- Then the structure of your nose will be captured digitally via photographs.
- The surgeon will analyse the digital image and suggest corrections that can be made in the nose.
- Once both you and the surgeon are satisfied and expectations are clarified, you will be called in for the surgery.
Rhinoplasty Procedure
Rhinoplasty is a type of cosmetic plastic surgery that can be performed as a closed surgery, where the incisions are made inside the nose and aren’t visible, or as an open surgery where the columella (the bottom external surface that divides the two nostrils) is cut.
Based on the severity of the surgery, you will be subjected under either local or general anaesthesia.
Once the incisions are made, the skin enveloping the nose is carefully raised without any damage exposing the nasal bone and the cartilages.
Now, there are three procedures which can be performed here;
- if the nose size is supposed to be reduced, the surgeon will remove few layers from the nasal bone and cartilages, making them thinner.
- If the nose size is supposed to be increased, the surgeon will take tiny tissue grafts from the septum (the middle internal part that divides the two nostrils from the inside) and place it over the cartilages to make them bulkier. Cartilage can also be taken from the ear.
- If the septum is bent or misshaped, the surgeon will manipulate its cartilage tissues to straighten it and align the nose with the face.
- Tip position is altered by taking sutures.
Once the desired shape is achieved, the nose skin resurfaced and reattached, and the incisions are closed.
Post-Op Recovery
The band-aids and dressings over the nose are supposed to be kept on for at least a week.
You might experience some amount of fluid leakage for the nose, such as blood or mucus.
You may also experience swelling around the eyes and nose, which is temporary and very common.
Always rest with your head raised higher than your chest.
Other common suggestions which you must follow after rhinoplasty are:
- Avoid activities which cause heavy breathing such as jogging, weight lifting, etc.
- Avoid contact sports like karate, boxing, rugby etc. for at least 6 weeks.
- Never blow your nose after the surgery until the entire nose has recovered.
- Don’t apply ice packs over the nose.
- Use SPF 30 sunscreen on your nose while travelling as exposure to the sun may cause permanent irregular discolouration in your nose’s skin.
You can return to your social life in two to three weeks, and the final shape of the nose will be definite after it has been completely healed.
If you are looking for a good surgeon in Pune who can recreate your beauty with the perfect nose job, then Deccan Clinic is the most recommended choice. The skilled surgeons at Deccan Clinic specialize in plastic surgery and many other surgical treatments which you can learn more of on their website.