Hiatus Hernia

Haitus is the small opening in the horizontal diaphragm separating the stomach and the esophageal tube and chest. The esophagus passes through this opening and connects to the stomach at the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). A hiatus hernia or hiatal hernia, as the name suggests, occurs when the upper part of the stomach bulges out of this hiatus into the upper chest region.

It typically occurs in two types:

Sliding hiatus hernia: When the upper part of the stomach protrude up from the hiatus into the chest cavity.

Rolling hiatus hernia: When the fundus part of the stomach bulges up into the chest through a weak spot in the diaphragm.


Barium swallow

Upper GI Endoscopy: to visually examine the presence of a herniated part by passing an endoscope through the throat.

Esophageal Manometry: to check the rhythmic muscle contractions and force exerted by the muscles in your esophagus.


The symptoms of mild hiatus hernia can be managed through medicinal treatments without surgery. But if the hernia grows significantly into the chest part, our gastroenterologist and hernia specialist may suggest a hernia repair surgery. During this laparoscopic surgery, also known as fundoplication,  the fundus of the stomach is wrapped and sutured around the LES part to prevent acid reflux.